With a little care, timber floors can stay looking great for years to come. If you tackle the things that cause the most wear and tear to your timber floors, you can keep them protected and looking good for...
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Maintaining timber floors after polishing is definitely not a trying task if you follow some measures. Here are some tips from our experts to help keep your wooden floors shinny and healthy after floor sanding and polishing. 1. Sweep...
Thinking of installing parquetry flooring? Here’s a quick guide to parquetry flooring to help you make an informed decision. What is Parquetry Flooring? Parquetry floorings are durable, decorative, and gorgeous floors, perfect for large living areas. They came into...
As the days and years roll by, timber floors can start looking old and dull from the daily wear and tear. It doesn’t mean you need new flooring, but it means your timber flooring is ready for floor sanding...